
welcome to my website

I’m a maker who likes to use textiles in a non-textile way and non-textile materials in a textile way. My work is constantly evolving and I’m always drawn to trying something new. I love to experiment and invent new ways of applying a technique or material. I work fast and intuitively, which makes the result very free, but I can be meticulous when it comes to gaining control over a technique or material. My inspiration and motivation are a strong and essential desire to make innovative and original work and at the same time express myself and react to the world around me in a personal and intuitive way.

I often work in series; once I have chosen a subject and technique, I usually make lots of the same, but never identical, pieces. This allows me to develop my technique and use of materials as I go along.

Since 2019 my main practice has been (non-toxic) printmaking, aiming to retain a connection with textiles and their tactile qualities. For my older work I used printmaking techniques, but just for texture; the printed materials were cut up and reassembled into textural sculptural objects. This time the printed imagery is my main focus.

As with my earlier textile work I like to do things differently, invent things. Currently I’m working on a technique which I call ‘collithography’, as it’s collagraphy, based on the principle that water and oil repel each other. However, the prints are not the main artworks; they are made to make the printing plate itself gradually become a more and more interesting piece of art (collitho). But, although the prints are mostly a ‘by-product’, that doesn’t mean that they cannot be worth their while and be interesting, too.

When making a ‘collitho’, my scissors and sewing machine are my drawing tools; I cut, collage and stitch carefully considered compositions, but with an intuitive approach, and add layers by inking and printing. This results into textured work with lots of diverse atmospheric effects and sentiment.

There seems to be no end to the possibilities of contemporary printmaking, just anything goes, really, and it’s great fun to play and discover new things!

On this website you’ll find (just) a small selection of the work I’ve made, much of which has found its way into new homes. For any questions you might have, please just leave me a note.